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Impact and math and stuff

It all started in a voting line. There I was, minding my own business, waiting to cast my vote in the presidential election, when I had a thought—well, more like a random brainwave. Presidents get 100 days to show what they’re made of, right? So, I thought, “What could I do in 100 days?” Spoiler alert: I’m not planning to run a country anytime soon. But I figured, hey, I could at least volunteer for a day! One day of service in my community seemed like a good way to kick off a new administration. No matter who won, I was going to show up and do something nice. One person, one day, one act of kindness—who knew what might happen? Probably not world peace, but at least I'd feel like a good human being.

On the drive home, my mind took a weird turn. I started thinking about September 11, 2001—how 19 people managed to mess up the world big time. And then I thought, “Wait a minute. If 19 people can make the world spin in the wrong direction, how many do we need to get it spinning the right way?” It was like reverse bad karma math. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I’d need backup. And thus, the idea for GiveJust1 was born.

I rushed home and hit up Google to find out how many people voted in the U.S. Presidential election. Why start small when you can go for the whole country, right? I figured if I could get even a fraction of those voters to give just one day of service, we could really make a dent in the world’s bad vibes. And that’s when I knew—I wasn’t just committing to a day of service; I was starting a movement.

Here at GiveJust1, we believe in the power of small actions adding up to big changes. Since our accidental founding in 2000 (long story), we’ve been on a mission to support, empower, and nudge the world in a better direction—one day of service at a time. Come join us, because who doesn’t want to feel like a good human being?

©2020 by Richard Parsons and GiveJust1

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